Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program for the Summer of 2025

Atılım University Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program for the Summer of 2025 


Project No: 2024-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000199903


Summer 2025 Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program - General Information


Dear Students,


Applications for the Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program for the Summer of 2025 open on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, and close on Monday, February 10, 2025. You may apply via the Erasmus Application Portal. You will be required to provide your E-Government (“E-Devlet”) credentials once you click the menu titled “Bireysel” (“Individual”) on the Erasmus Application Portal. Then, please select the relevant Atılım University announcement to complete your application. The Eligibility Conditions and Selection Criteria for the Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program for the Summer of 2025 are as follows. Once the application window closes, all applicants will be required to take the Erasmus English Proficiency Test to be held by Atılım University. The relevant notification will be sent to all applicants.


Please note: Students who hold a valid TOEFL IBT, Cambridge C2 Proficiency, Cambridge C1 Advanced or PTE Academic result may choose to present their documentation to the Directorate of International Relations in lieu of taking the English Proficiency Exam. The deadline for the presentation of your language-related documentation is Friday, February 7, 2025. No language-related documentation presented past the deadline will be accepted, rendering the applicant obligated to take the English Proficiency Exam.


How to Apply


To apply to the Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program for the Summer of 2025, please visit the Erasmus Application Portal at While there, please click the “Bireysel” (“Individual”) tab, and find the announcement by Atılım University titled “Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program for the Summer of 2025” to start your application process. You will be required to provide your details in full, and upload your current transcript.


Students who provide their application information in full through the Erasmus Application Portal are required to have their "Application Printout" printed to constitute their proof of application.



PLEASE NOTE: All documentation and information relating to applicants are to be uploaded in full to the Erasmus Application Portal as required. Applications with missing information and documentation shall be deemed invalid. Please apply within the application period. No applications shall be received past the deadline.


PLEASE NOTE: Students applying for both the Erasmus+ Student Mobility Program and the Erasmus+ Summer Internship Mobility Program within the same semester shall have only one of their application prioritized. Therefore, you are advised to apply for a single mobility program, rather than both.


PLEASE NOTE: +10 points shall be awarded to students presenting their Acceptance Letters for the Summer 2025 Erasmus+ Student Internship Program by Friday, February 7, 2025; should their Acceptance Letters meet the conditions for acceptability. To have your Acceptance Letter tested for acceptability, please submit your letter via e-mail at, or deliver it to the Office of the Directorate of International Relations.


PLEASE NOTE: The regular deadline to submit your Acceptance Letters for the Summer 2025 Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program is Friday, May 23, 2025. Acceptance Letters will be denied past the deadline.




Eligibility Conditions - Minimum Conditions


Students should meet the minimum conditions below to participate in the program:

1- Applicants must be full time students who are registered in a higher education program in one of the formal education levels (Levels One, Two, or Three) (Level One: Undergraduate degree programs;
Level Two: Graduate degree programs;
Level Three: Doctorate degree programs)

2- The CGPA of the students in Level One must be minimum 2.20/4.00.

3- Applicants from Level Two and Level Three programs should exhibit an academic CGPA of at least 2.50/4.00.

4- The durations for mobility programs vary between 2 to 4 months, for different educational levels. Students in all grades, including senior-year students, may participate in the internship program throughout their period of study. In addition, senior-year students may participate in the program after their graduation, until the internship deadline. The sum of mobility periods for internship after graduation and mobility before graduation at the same level may not exceed 12 months.

5- Students having previously taken part in the mobility programs within the Erasmus+ periods of 2014-2020 and/ or 2021-2027 may apply if their total participation period does not exceed 12 months, including the activity for which they are applying.


Selection Criteria


Weighted Scores


50% academic success (over 100)

50% language skills (over 100)

+15 points for the children of martyrs and veterans

+10 points for students with disabilities (on the condition that they prove their disability)

+10 points for students subject to protection, care, or accommodation within the scope of Social Services Law no. 2828, and Child Protection Law no. 5395

+10 points for students themselves, or students with primary relatives, having received an AFAD aid for disaster survivors

+10 points for students presenting an Acceptance Letter from their place of internship during application

+5 points in favor of Digital Opportunity Trust internships (DOTs).

-10 points for previous participation (with or without grants)

-10 points for participation in mobility programs in their country of citizenship

-10 points for failure to participate without the presentation of a waiver notice

-10 points for simultaneous applications for multiple mobility programs

(To be deducted on the program of the applicant’s choice)

For students selected for participation:

-5 points for failure to attend to meetings/ training sessions on mobility organized by the higher education institution without an excuse (to be deducted from their next Erasmus application)

-5 points for failure to take the language proficiency exam, contradicting their previous declaration to take it (to be deducted from their next Erasmus application)


Please note: Deductions are to be made from the total score.

Please note: Students of double major programs may only apply from a single major within one application period.

Please note: The waiver notice period for the students eligible to participate in the Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program, and made the list of “PRIMARY and SUBSTITUTE PARTICIPANTS” list wish to stop participating in the Erasmus mobility program will be announced in a separate e-mail after the selection process, and if a waiver is not submitted within this period, "-10 points" shall be deducted from any subsequent Erasmus mobility application of the student eligible for mobility.



Monthly/ Daily Grants as per Countries/ Activities


Country Groups Country Monthly Grants (Euro)


Program Countries in Groups 1 and 2: 750 €


Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus,

Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece



Program Countries in Group 3: 600 €


Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye


Travel Grants:

Travel Distance

Standard Travel Grant Amount (Euro)

Green Travel Grant Amount (Euro)

10 to 99 KM



100 to 499 KM



500 to 1999 KM



2000 to 2999 KM



3000 to 3999 KM



4000 to 7999 KM



8000 KM and more




Quota Details:


The student quota is 6 for the Summer 2025 Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Program.




·           The English Proficiency Exam takes place after the applications close. The date and venue information regarding the relevant exam shall be sent to the e-mail addresses of all applying students.

·           Applications of undergraduate degree students unable to meet the minimum CGPA of 2.20 shall be annulled.

·           Applications of Graduate and Doctorate degree students unable to meet the minimum CGPA of 2.50 shall be annulled.

·           Applications of students unable to meet the minimum score of 60 in the English Proficiency Exam shall be annulled.

·           Selected students should visit the Office of the Directorate of International Relations to learn about the procedures to follow once the list of students to participate in the Erasmus Student Mobility Program is announced.

·           The first Orientation Meeting on the Erasmus Mobility Program is to be held, and the date and venue of the relevant meeting shall be announced to the students via e-mail.

·           80% of the total grants are paid to the students selected to participate in the Erasmus Mobility program before their mobility begins, and the remaining 20% is paid when they submit the necessary documents upon their return and once the participant report is completed.

·           The grants for Erasmus+ Student Internship Mobility Programs are provided for a period of 2 months.

·           The period for internships should be minimum 2 months to be applicable as an Erasmus+ Student Internship Program. Acceptance Letters for programs under 2 months are not applicable. In addition, the Erasmus Student Internship Mobility shall be annulled for internship practices ending earlier than 2 months.



Date: 05.02.2025

Time:  14:00-16:00

Place: Lamia Ergenekon Conference Hall 





Date: 13.02.2025

Time: 14:40

Place:  School of Foreign Languages


For detailed information and inquiries, please contact us at via e-mail.

Contact No.: 0312 586 82 69